Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trick Pony

I taught the beginning steps of bowing to Poco today. He did really well! He took the treats and he started to bow.
I then began the steps of lift his foot on command. I squeeze the tendon and say "Lift!" and he picks it right up! I'm so proud of himmm!!!!!!
I am going to get more advanced tomorrow. We'll do real bowing. Not just the practice stuff. I cant wait to ride, cause i am going to teach him the spanish walk.
when picking up the feet, face the back of the horse, (e.g his left shoulder and your left shoulder touching) then bend and squeeze the tendon just above the fetlock(the "bump" just above the hoof) and energetically say "Lift!". If he fails to lift, keep squeezing and continue saying "lift!" every three seconds. After he lifts, rest his knee on yours and with your left hand push his toe upward, bending at the "ankle". Then pick with your right hand from the bulb (the back of the foot) to the toe(the front of the hoof). If he trys to pull it away, HOLD ON TO IT! Dont let go! If you think he's going to trip, you can let go, but most likely he is just bratting around and wanting his stability. Make sure you put as much of the leg on yours so that he has alot of support, my horse would pull it away simply because he didn't like the feeling of no support.
Also, tie him short, just today, i didn't tie a good enough knot and it pulled, so he reached around and bit me on the...bum.
So tie short and high.

keep the comments coming and let me know if you have any questions.
<3 you! :)

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