Friday, January 15, 2010

Sick. Ick. What else rymes?

So I'm sick with the cold. I've sneezed my brain out twice, I've watched like six million episodes of the saddle club, and I've used two boxes of Kleenex's... Ok! so maybe its not that bad, but i cant see my horse, how much worse could that be?
When i get better, i am going to teach him how to bow. what you do is get a treat, and you put it in through the back of the horses front legs, and show it to him, and he will stick his head in between his legs and bend at least one knee to get to the treat. you can also give a verbal command like "Down" or "Bow" and then if you are short and you have a tall horse(me and Poco ;) ) you can make him bow by verbal command, and then he will be shorter for you to get up on :) Its very helpful. I am also (when i begin to ride in the next two months) going to teach him to lay down so you can get off and on, and then a little one could get on really easy :)
heres a link for both of those:
bowing one;
laying one;
So this one you only have to watch until 0:55. im going to teach him a different way, without all of the ropes and stuff, but you get the just of it. I am going to pick up his front left foot, and bend his neck to his right, thus bringing his weight onto the leg thats not there(the one that im holding) and he will lay down. I will at the same time tell him "Lay down". Then i can just tell him "lay down" while im riding, and then he will be able to do it then too :)

My gramma is really sick and in intensive care.grammy is in intensive care with Pneumonia, her white blood cells, her platelets and red blood cells are all down, and she hasn't gotten much better. Pray for her, they are worried that she might get something else because all of her blood counts are wrong.

love you guys! :)


Unknown said...

i have gone thru a lot of Kleenex's lately too! plus sneezing a lot. :P haha

Jordyn said...